Created by Joe Rogan
- you have to be sitting in the car when you execute for it to work.
this script requires a module and just edits the values of the module.
If you want to add more mods, here is every variable for the car configs:
carId = 7,
baseTorque = 345,
maxSpeed = 226,
brakeDist = 35,
frontTorque = 0,
transmission = 5,
seats = 4,
peakPower = 125,
peakTorque = 245,
peakPowerRPM = 5500,
peakTorqueRPM = 3500,
curveMinMul = 0.75,
redline = 6500,
idleRPM = 700,
ratios = { 4.23, 2.52, 1.66, 1.22, 1 },
finalDrive = 3.07,
wheelMass = 4,
weight = 1470,
wheelDensity = 1,
chassisDensity = 1.2,
seatDensity = 5,
steerChange = 1,
maxSteerAngle = 30,
driftVelocityMul = 4.5,
wheelDiameter = 2.1,
wheelOffset = 0,
frontWheelWidth = 1,
rearWheelWidth = 1,
chassisHeight = 0.2,
chassisWidth = 0.8,
parkTorque = 10000,
suspensionLength = 1.3,
suspensionLoadDifference = -0.15,
suspensionTravelMin = 0.5,
suspensionTravelMax = 0.5,
engineSound = "I6",
pitchMultiplier = 1,
ignitionRpm = 0.4,
fireColor = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(0.991104, 0.546807, 0.179599), Color3.new(1, 0.812619, 0.338674)),
backFireRate = 0.1,
popSoundRate = 0.1,
basePitch = 1.2,
maxPitchTorque = 1700
here is the script, although i have only added 2 mods so youll have to add the rest if you want
for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetDescendants()) do
if v:FindFirstChild("Server") then
mycar = v
local a = require(mycar.Configuration.VehicleConfig)
a.maxSpeed = 500000
a.baseTorque = 800
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