Elemental Battlegrounds Script | CATWARE | AUTOFARM, TELEPORT, WALKSPEED & MORE!


Created by oruancss#0290



[/—!—] Teleport Feature [/—!—]

[*]Security Zone #1

[*] Security Zone #2

[*] Security Zone #3

[*]Center of the map

[*]In the sky (freeze you)

[/—!—] LocalPlayer Feature [/—!—]

[*]WalkSpeed Slider

[*]JumpPower Slider


  _____      _                          
 / ____|    | |                        
| |     __ _| |___      ____ _ _ __ ___
| |    / _` | __  / / / _` | '__/ _ 
| |___| (_| | |_  V  V / (_| | | |  __/
 _______,_|__| _/_/ __,_|_|  ___|

[*]Element BattleGround Script

[*] V2

[*]Any bugs ?

[*]Join our discord !
--> https://discord.gg/RuY8q5aQYG

[*] Scripted by oShy

loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://rawscripts.net/raw/scripte_1034", true))()


Warning: DO NOT DOWNLOAD anything from this page, you’re only here to copy the script!


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