Created by Icxy#0001
- It lets you play sounds on your radio/boombox SEVER-SIDED and no one is able to mute it. ( Unless someone uses a mute boombox script )
- You are immune to any damage from Bullets, Katana, Knife, RPGs and Flame Thrower
- You can get knocked BUT you cannot be Stomped, Carried/Grabbed or Arrested
You must execute the script while you have the forcefield effect on.
getgenv().Settings = {
['GodBlock'] = 'On', -- [On / Off]
['AutoRejoin1'] = 'On', -- [On / Off] [ if godv3 fails to turn on when you first join it will auto rejoin you ]
['AutoRejoin2'] = 'Off', -- [On / Off] [ If your godv3 turns off it will rejoin you and turn godv3 back on ]
loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://icxy.xyz/NovaGui/NovaGuiGodv3", true))()
Warning: DO NOT DOWNLOAD anything from this page, you’re only here to copy the script!