Created by vinidalvino
local vehicleInfo = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").VehicleInformation
local lP = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local lodash = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PissMan420/lua-lodash/master/lodash.lua"), 'lodash')()
local rF = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rF
local rE = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rE
-- Setup a caching system
shared.cache = nil
if not shared.cache then
shared.cache = {}
[email protected] Vehicle[]
shared.cache.vehicles = {}
local Roact = getrenv().require(game:GetService("CorePackages").Packages["_Index"]["roblox_roact"].roact)
[email protected] Vehicle @This class serve as a way to represent a vehicle in the game.
[email protected] public vipOnly boolean
[email protected] public name string @The path of the vehicle.
[email protected] public displayName string @The display name of the vehicle.
[email protected] public parts number @The count of part of the vehicle.
[email protected] public value number @The value of the vehicle when fully destroyed.
[email protected] public groupOnly boolean @If the vehicle is only available to car crusher group members.
[email protected] public token number @The token required to own the vehicle.
[email protected]ield public price number @The price of the vehicle.
[email protected] public optimizeEarning boolean @Turn this true to maximize the profit made by destroying the vehicle.
[email protected] public image string @The image id of the car
[email protected] __tostring @Returns the name of the vehicle.
local Vehicle = { groupOnly = false, name = "", vipOnly = false, parts = 0, value = 0, price = 0, token = 0, displayName = "", image = "" }
---Creates a new vehicle object.
[email protected] path string The relative path to the vehicle information.
[email protected] Vehicle
function Vehicle.new(path)
local vehicle = setmetatable({}, { __index = Vehicle })
vehicle.name = path
local displayname
displayName = vehicleInfo[path]:FindFirstChild('Name').Value
if not displayName then
displayName = vehicleInfo[path]['Name']['Value']
until displayName ~= nil
vehicle.displayName = displayName
vehicle.vipOnly = vehicleInfo[path].VipOnly.Value
vehicle.parts = vehicleInfo[path].Parts.Value
vehicle.value = vehicleInfo[path].Value.Value
vehicle.groupOnly = vehicleInfo[path].GroupOnly.Value
vehicle.price = vehicleInfo[path].Price.Value
vehicle.token = vehicleInfo[path].Tier.Value
vehicle.image = ""
vehicle.image = vehicleInfo[path]:FindFirstChild('ImageID').Value
if not vehicle.image then
vehicle.image = vehicleInfo[path]["ImageID"].Value
until vehicle.image ~= ""
return vehicle
---Check if the player can use the vehicle.
---The player can use a vip only vehicle if he own the vip gamepaas (gampass id: 2465866)
---The player can use a group only vehicle if he's or she's in the car crusher group (group id: 2726951)
---The player can use enough money if he has enough money.
---The player can use a vehicle if he has enough token but enough money.
---The player cannot use a vehicle if the player spawn timer value is not 0.
[email protected] player Player|nil @The player to check. If nil, the player will be the local player.
[email protected] boolean, string @True if the player can use the vehicle. The second return value is the reason why the player cannot use the vehicle.
function Vehicle:canUse(player)
player = player or game.Players.LocalPlayer
if self.vipOnly and not player.Passes.VIP.Value then
return false, "You don't have the vip gamepass."
local gs = game:GetService("GroupService")
local playerGroups = gs:GetGroupsAsync(player.UserId)
if self.groupOnly and lodash.find(playerGroups, function (key) if key == 2726951 then return true else return false end end) == nil then
return false, "You are not in the car crusher fan group."
if player.Money.Value < self.price then
return false, "You don't have enough money."
if self.token > player.leaderstats.Tokens.Value then
return false, "You don't have enough token."
if player.SpawnTimer.Value ~= 0 then
local fmt = "You can spawn a vehicle in %d seconds. Please wait."
return false, string.format(fmt, player.SpawnTimer.Value)
return true, "Spawning..."
---Spawn a vehicle firing the remote `game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").rF.InsertCar` event using the vehicle name
function Vehicle:spawn()
if not self:canUse() then
return self:canUse()
if self.optimizeEarning then
local material = ''
if lP.Passes.Neon.Value then
material = 'Neon'
elseif lP.Passes.Silver.Value then
material = 'Silver'
elseif lP.Passes.Gold.Value then
material = 'Gold'
elseif lP.Passes.Platinum.Value then
material = 'Platinum'
warn("You don't have any material pass, you will not earn money when you destroy this vehicle")
local ohTable1 = {
["BodyPaint"] = {
["Paint"] = {
["Material"] = material == '' and nil or material,
["Scraps"] = lP.Scraps.Value
rE.SaveCustoms:FireServer(ohTable1, self.name)
-- spawn the vehicle
local function map(array, iteratee)
local result = {}
for i, v in ipairs(array) do
result[i] = iteratee(v)
return result
local function findBy(array, iteratee)
for i, v in ipairs(array) do
if iteratee(v) then
return v
return nil
local function sortBy(array, iteratee)
local result = {}
for i, v in ipairs(array) do
result[i] = v
table.sort(result, function (a, b)
return iteratee(a) < iteratee(b)
return result
local function dedupe(array, key)
local result = {}
for i, v in ipairs(array) do
if not findBy(result, function (value) return value[key] == v[key] end) then
table.insert(result, v)
return result
---Return an table an table containing an array of vehicle objects containing the most part that are availaible to use.
[email protected] count number @The number of vehicle to return.
[email protected] Vehicle[] @The array of vehicle objects.
local function getVehicleWithMostParts(count)
if #shared.cache.vehicles == 0 then
shared.cache.vehicles = map(vehicleInfo:GetChildren(), function (key) return Vehicle.new(key.Name) end)
local result = lodash.filter(shared.cache.vehicles, function (key) return key:canUse() end)
result = sortBy(result, function (key) return key.parts end)
result = lodash.reverse(result)
result = lodash.take(result, count)
return result
---Populate an array containing the car that can earn the most money.
[email protected] count number @The number of vehicle to return.
[email protected] Vehicle[] @The array of vehicle objects.
local function getVehicleWithMostMoney(count)
if #shared.cache.vehicles == 0 then
shared.cache.vehicles = map(vehicleInfo:GetChildren(), function (key) return Vehicle.new(key.Name) end)
local result = lodash.filter(shared.cache.vehicles, function (key) return key:canUse() end)
result = sortBy(result, function (key) return key.value end)
result = lodash.reverse(result)
result = lodash.take(result, count)
return result
[email protected] ButtonType '"primary"'|'"secondary"'|'"danger"'|'"success"'|'"warning"'|'"info"'|'"light"'|'"dark"'
local VehicleItem = Roact.Component:extend("VehicleItem")
function VehicleItem:init()
isHovered = false,
bText = "Spawn",
function VehicleItem:render()
[email protected] boolean @Whether the vehicle is hovered or not.
local isHovered = self.state.isHovered
[email protected] Vehicle @The vehicle object.
local vehicle = self.props.vehicle
local bText = self.state.bText
return Roact.createElement("Frame", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 0.3),
BackgroundTransparency = 1,
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#fff"),
BorderSizePixel = 3
}, {
image = Roact.createElement("ImageLabel", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.3,1),
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 0.5),
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0, 0.5),
Image = ("rbxassetid://%d"):format(vehicle.image),
BackgroundTransparency = 1,
ScaleType = "Crop"
["car name"] = Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.6, 0.2),
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0, 0),
BackgroundTransparency = 1,
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 0.05),
TextSize = 16,
Text = vehicle.displayName,
Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold
value = Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.6, 0.2),
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0,0),
BackgroundTransparency = 0,
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 0.22),
TextSize = 14,
Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
RichText = true,
Text = ("<b>Value:</b> %d 💵 "):format(vehicle.value),
BackgroundTransparency = 1
parts = Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.6, 0.2),
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0,0),
BackgroundTransparency = 1,
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 0.36),
Font = "Gotham",
RichText = true,
TextSize = 14,
Text = ("<b>Parts:</b> %d"):format(vehicle.parts)
spawnCar = Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.4, 0.2),
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 1),
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0.6, 0.8),
BorderSizePixel = 2,
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#0aaa2c"),
Font = "GothamBold",
TextSize = 16,
Text = bText,
TextScaled = true,
[Roact.Event.Activated] = function ()
local canUse, reason = vehicle:canUse()
if not canUse then
self:setState({ bText = reason })
self:setState({bText = "Spawn"})
local MAX_CAR_COUNT = 5
local app = Roact.Component:extend("App")
function app:init()
currentView = "",
optimizeEarning = false,
transparency = 0.5,
mostPartButtonTransperency = 0.5,
mostValueButtonTransperency = 0.5,
[email protected] Vehicle[]
vehicles = {},
mostPartTxt = "Most Part",
mostValueTxt = "Most Value",
function app:render()
local currentView = self.state.currentView
local optimizeEarning = self.state.optimizeEarning
local transparency = self.state.transparency
local mostPartButtonTransperency = self.state.mostPartButtonTransperency
local mostValueButtonTransperency = self.state.mostValueButtonTransperency
[email protected] Vehicle[]
local vehicles = self.state.vehicles
local mostPartTxt = self.state.mostPartTxt
local mostValueTxt = self.state.mostValueTxt
return Roact.createElement("ScreenGui", {}, {
MainFrame = Roact.createElement("Frame", {
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 0.6),
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.291, 0.363) - UDim2.fromScale(0.05, 0.05),
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#E1E1E1"),
Transparency = transparency,
BorderSizePixel = 0,
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0, 0.5),
}, {
layout = Roact.createElement("UIListLayout", {
FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Vertical,
SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder,
title = Roact.createElement("TextLabel", {
Text = "Car crusher grinding helper",
TextSize = 30,
TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,
TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,
Font = "Highway",
BackgroundTransparency = transparency - 0.1,
Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 0.1),
TextColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#FFF"),
TextScaled = true,
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex('#9370db'),
LayoutOrder = 1,
buttonRow = Roact.createElement("Frame", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 0.1),
BackgroundTransparency = transparency + 0.1,
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#EEE"),
LayoutOrder = 3
}, {
layout = Roact.createElement("UIListLayout", {
FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal,
HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center,
Padding = UDim.new(0, 20),
SortOrder = 'LayoutOrder'
-- button to go to the vehicle list of the most part
Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
Text = mostPartTxt,
TextSize = 20,
TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,
TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,
Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
BackgroundTransparency = currentView == "MostPart" and 0.1 or mostPartButtonTransperency,
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 1),
TextColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#FFF"),
TextScaled = true,
BorderSizePixel = 2,
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex('#935fff'),
[Roact.Event.Activated] = function ()
currentView = "MostPart",
optimizeEarning = false,
transparency = 0.5,
mostPartTxt = "Hold on, loading...",
-- fetch the vehicle with most part
vehicles = getVehicleWithMostParts(MAX_CAR_COUNT)
vehicles = vehicles,
mostPartTxt = "Most part",
[Roact.Event.MouseEnter] = function ()
mostPartButtonTransperency = 0.2
[Roact.Event.MouseLeave] = function ()
mostPartButtonTransperency = 0.5
-- button to go to the vehicle list of the most value
Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
Text = mostValueTxt,
TextSize = 20,
TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,
TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,
Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
BackgroundTransparency = currentView == "MostValue" and 0.1 or mostValueButtonTransperency,
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.3, 1),
TextColor3 = Color3.fromHex("#FFF"),
TextScaled = true,
BorderSizePixel = 2,
BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHex('#935fff'),
[Roact.Event.Activated] = function ()
currentView = "MostValue",
mostValueTxt = "Hold on, loading...",
-- fetch the vehicle with most value
local carwithmostvalue = getVehicleWithMostMoney(MAX_CAR_COUNT)
vehicles = carwithmostvalue,
mostValueTxt = "Most value",
[Roact.Event.MouseEnter] = function ()
mostValueButtonTransperency = 0.2
[Roact.Event.MouseLeave] = function ()
mostValueButtonTransperency = 0.5
-- toggle button that toggle the optimization of earning money. if it's turned on, the vehicle list will be modified and the button will turn into a green color to indicate that it's on.
Roact.createElement("TextButton", {
Text = "Optimize earning",
TextSize = 20,
TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,
TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,
Font = Enum.Font.Gotham,
BackgroundTransparency = 0.5,
Size = UDim2.fromScale(0.28, 1),
TextColor3 = optimizeEarning == false and Color3.fromHex("#FFF") or Color3.fromHex("#000"),
TextScaled = true,
BorderSizePixel = 2,
BackgroundColor3 = optimizeEarning == false and Color3.fromHex('#cc0000') or Color3.fromHex('#00cc00'),
[Roact.Event.Activated] = function ()
optimizeEarning = not optimizeEarning,
-- the vehicle lista
vlist = Roact.createElement("ScrollingFrame", {
Size = UDim2.fromScale(1, 0.8),
Position = UDim2.fromScale(0, 0.1),
BackgroundTransparency = transparency,
BorderSizePixel = 0,
ScrollingDirection = Enum.ScrollingDirection.Y,
AutomaticCanvasSize = 'Y',
LayoutOrder = 2
}, {
Roact.createElement("UIListLayout", {
FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Vertical,
VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Top,
HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center,
Padding = UDim.new(0, 20),
Roact.createFragment(map(vehicles, function (key)
return Roact.createElement(VehicleItem, { vehicle = key })
function app:didUpdate(prevProps, prevState)
local diff = lodash.difference(prevState.vehicles, self.state.vehicles)
print('Diff length: ' .. #diff)
if self.state.optimizeEarning ~= prevState.optimizeEarning or #diff > 0 then
vehicles = map(self.state.vehicles, function (key) key.optimizeEarning = self.optimizeEarning return key end),
-- rewrite the ui using roact
local handle = Roact.mount(Roact.createElement(app), game.CoreGui, "Main")
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